College Dux 2020

Congratulations to our College Dux of 2020, Jimmy Truong who achieved an ATAR result of 97.30!

Our 2nd highest ATAR result was 97.25 and the 3rd highest ATAR result was 94.20. Six students achieved an ATAR in the 90’s and there were 16 study scores of 40+. Overall our class of 2020 achieved amazing results. We are extremely proud of all our VCE and VCAL students for their tenacity, persistence and fantastic efforts last year, particularly with the challenges that lockdowns presented throughout the year. Well done to all!

The hard work and dedication of both students and teachers has meant that we have maintained or improved upon most of our previous years’ results. 

The school has improved its median and mean ATAR (Australian Tertiary Entrance Rank) results significantly from 2019. Our VCE Mean English Study Score is 30.5 (which is above the state) and our VCE Median Study Score improved from 28 in 2019 to 28.5 in 2020. Our aim and goal for 2021 is to continue to improve not only our VCE results but all our students’ results over all learning outcomes from Years 7 to 12.